CUPE Local 30


If you feel that you were treated unfairly, you can request to file a grievance against your Employer through CUPE 30.

Grievances may pertain to health and safety procedures, harassment, discrimination, employment entitlements, and many other rights and privileges established by both Canadian labour laws and our different Collective Agreements. 

You have a legal right to be represented as a member of your union and to have your rights protected through a fair grievance procedure. An Employer cannot reprimand you in any way for exercising this right, during or after the grievance, and regardless of its outcome.

Notes on Grievances:

  • Should you have a matter that you believe necessitates a grievance, we recommend that you first discuss with your Shop Steward
  • Grievances are owned by the Local, and must be filed by a Business Agent to proceed
  • As the owner of the grievance, the union may choose to not pursue a grievance if there are no reasonable grounds to file.
  • Contact our office if you have any questions about the process

What exactly is a grievance?

A grievance is the regular process by which problems are solved in a unionized workplace. It occurs when members believe their rights in the workplace have been violated. A grievance can be filed by a member, or by the Union on behalf of an individual or group to address a wide range of issues.

Our Collective Agreements describe how CUPE 30 and the Employer have agreed to handle grievances. The aim of this process is to provide the means to resolve a workplace issue through formal negotiation.

If you decide to file a grievance, you will have CUPE 30’s support throughout the various steps of the process. We will draft the necessary documents, help you understand the possible outcomes, make sure we meet the deadlines and attend meetings with you.


CUPE 30 takes your right to confidentiality seriously! We will never communicate with your Employer without your explicit and clear consent.

If you would like to file a grievance or have questions regarding whether or not you could file a grievance, please reach out to our administrative office for more direction.

We will work hard to get back to you as soon as possible.