Explore Alberta this Summer with a Vacation Giveaway
Sun’s out, sunglasses on, and your chance to explore Alberta this summer is here! Have you checked out our latest vacation giveaway?
Explore Alberta this Summer with a Vacation Giveaway
Sun’s out, sunglasses on, and your chance to explore Alberta this summer is here! Have you checked out our latest vacation giveaway?
Whether you spend your time in the mountains, by the lake or exploring all Alberta has to offer, you can choose where you will travel this summer.

Calling all CUPE Local 30 members! This summer, we are running another vacation giveaway contest! From June 1 until July 1, 2023, enter for a chance to win a Vacation Giveaway in Alberta valued at $1000. To be entered, you must complete or update your CUPE Local 30 member registration. Registering ensures that we have your current contact details so that you are kept informed through our email list with negotiation updates, upcoming events and future contests.

Contest Details
Eligibility: To be eligible for the Vacation Giveaway, you need to complete your member registration with CUPE Local 30. For returning members, please update your member file with the correct details. For new members, complete your member registration and create an account.
Receiving the prize money: The winner of the Vacation Giveaway has the freedom to plan their vacation however they want within Alberta. You will be compensated up to a maximum of $1000 for accommodations, gas, and attractions with the accompanying receipts. Along with your receipts, we encourage you to send photos of your vacation to share on our CUPE Local 30 social media pages.
Destination: Your vacation destination must be within Alberta to qualify for the contest and be completed by December 1, 2023. Receipts must be submitted to the Union office by December 22, 2023.
Closing Date: July 1, 2023
Winner announcement: The winner of our Vacation Giveaway contest will be contacted in July after the closing date, and a social media announcement will be posted.